Half Price Day at Middle Tennessee Goodwills

Labels: Thriftstores
Information and thoughts on my favorite activities: Adoption, Animal welfare, and Bargain Hunting!
Labels: Thriftstores
Labels: Target
Labels: Good Deals, Thriftstores
Labels: Meal planning, menu
Labels: CVS
Labels: Good Deals, Kid Stuff
Labels: Adoption, Blog design
Labels: Adoption
Labels: Meal planning, menu
Labels: Beauty Resources
Labels: CVS
Labels: Apple Market, Kroger, Publix
Labels: Consignment Sales
Labels: Meal planning, menu
Labels: Good Deals, Walgreens
Labels: Good Deals, Walgreens
Labels: Around the house, Enviromental, Good Deals
$50 dollars worth of Gas for $40 bucks!
Thanks to Nashville Cheapster for reminding me of the $10 off a $50 Gas gift card coupon that is in the Publix sales circular this week. I snagged 2 before they were gone at my store. The cashier told me that I was smart to come in early for the purchase because they would not be giving rain checks for this item. Fortunately (or maybe, unfortunately) I did not encounter the same issues that Nashville Cheapster did when purchasing the cards. Read her story here
50% off already Clearanced Toys at Kmart
We have 3 birthday parties within 2 weeks. Whew! Not only am I running all over middle Tennessee, but I'm would be forking out alot of $$ for kids' birthday presents. But, with the clearanced toys at Kmart, I was able to get 3 nice gifts and only spent $20. Thank you Becky at Frugal in Franklin
Free School Supplies at CVS
I'm very excited about all the Free after ECB deals at CVS this week. I'll let you know how I do later. Thanks to Jenny at Southern Savers for all the great deal scenarios.
Labels: Good Deals
Labels: Coupons, Good Deals, Micheals
Labels: Good Deals, Nashville Humane Association, Pets
Labels: Around the house