Weekly Grocery Finals
This week I have visited 3 stores and the Farmer's Market. Not a bad week, stayed pretty close to budget, but not a spectacular deal week either

1 Wheat Thins FREE

Sundown Vitamins FREE + Overage
Crest Toothpaste FREE
1 Wheat Thins FREE
Publix Cheese .01 (penny item)
8 ears of Corn .25 each
2 Bertolli Pasta Sauce .75 each
1 Publix Cola .79
1 Ritz Crackers .90
2 Maxwell House Coffee .99 each
2 Juicy Juice 1.33 each
1 Publix Soy milk 2.39
Total with Tax $11.83
Strawberries $1.89
Baby Carrots $ .69
Pineapple $.99
Bananas $1.14
Garbanzo Beans $.59 (on markdown)
Mexican Corn $.69 (on markdown)
Trail Mix Cereal $1.35 (hubs favorite - on markdown)
Ice Cream Sandwiches $1.99 (trying to teach our child that she can get more ice cream at the store than with the ice cream truck that comes through the neighborhood -- it's a hard sell right now)
General Tso Chicken* $3.99
Total with Tax: $16.03
*Many of you that know us personally will be surprised by the Chicken purchase, since we are living a vegetarian lifestyle. I have been craving General Tso chicken for weeks, and had been contimplating a trip to our favorite Chinese restaurant. But didn't want to pay the $25 dinner tab (at least) just to satisfy my meat craving, so I when I found this frozen dinner for $3.99 I decided it would do, and you know what? It did!

Not a great coupon week at Kroger, but it seldom is compared to Publix. Here are the coupon highlights.
2 Kraft Dressings .69 each
1 Flipz Pretzels .50 each
2 Kraft Shredded Cheese .67 each
And other necessities (Ok, well the flipz were not a necessity, but I wanted them!____________________
Total with tax: $22.19
A little over my goal of $50, but I'm not complaining.
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