Grocery Finals for week
This week, I went to 2 stores and the Farmer's Market in Franklin. Unfortunately, I went WAY over budget, but got a great deal on Easy Ups and learned a valuable lesson about checking your receipt before leaving the store (see below).

Kroger - was an interesting week, got some unexpected items, and a very interesting story about checking your receipt (see below)**
2 Betty Crocker Pasta Salads .35 each
1 Kroger Cola .79
1 Dora Puzzle .99 (total impulse buy for E)
10 Frozen Veggies 1.00 each
1 box strawberries 1.50
1 bag onions 1.59
4 Pampers Easy Ups 3.89 (more on this in an upcoming post - go here )
Total $33.32
Franklin Farmer's Market (sorry no pic)
Total: 12.00 A lot more than I normally pay for veggies, but I was supporting local agriculture and the veggies were delicious!
Will have to do better next week, but who could resist the great deal on the Easy ups!
** Here's a great example of why you should always check your receipt before leaving the store. As I exited the check out line at Kroger, I began to review my receipt, and on the list popped out KROGER MUSTARD. I was confused. I did not buy mustard. I never buy mustard (unless it's free and I can give it to someone). I started looking through my bags to see if it was accidentally mixed in. Nothing. I started matching all my items to my receipt in case something was just coded wrong. Nothing. Finally I took my stuff over to the customer service desk. The CS clerk went though my stuff too, he couldn't find anything either. Another CS clerk overheard what was going on and said a similar incident had happened a couple of days before with something mysteriously popping up on a receipt that was not there. In the end, customer service refunded the price of the mustard. A very weird incident, I'm glad I checked my receipt.

At Publix
2 Sundown Vitamins FREE + BIG Overage
Knorr Rice FREE + Overage
Publix Toilet Paper .01 (penny item)
Bananas .09 (used Publix Q 1.00 off bananas with purchase of Cheerios)
4 Kraft Mac n cheese Deluxe .75 each
2 Bags Baby Carrots .84 each
2 Pillsbury Pizza Crust .87 Each
Cheerios 1.00
Whole Wheat Bread 1.75 each
Soy Milk 2.50
Energizer Batteries 4.99
Donation to Children's Miracle Network 1.00 (received $5.00 in coupons for it)
Total: 19.02

2 Betty Crocker Pasta Salads .35 each
1 Kroger Cola .79
1 Dora Puzzle .99 (total impulse buy for E)
10 Frozen Veggies 1.00 each
1 box strawberries 1.50
1 bag onions 1.59
4 Pampers Easy Ups 3.89 (more on this in an upcoming post - go here )
Total $33.32
Franklin Farmer's Market (sorry no pic)
Total: 12.00 A lot more than I normally pay for veggies, but I was supporting local agriculture and the veggies were delicious!
Will have to do better next week, but who could resist the great deal on the Easy ups!
** Here's a great example of why you should always check your receipt before leaving the store. As I exited the check out line at Kroger, I began to review my receipt, and on the list popped out KROGER MUSTARD. I was confused. I did not buy mustard. I never buy mustard (unless it's free and I can give it to someone). I started looking through my bags to see if it was accidentally mixed in. Nothing. I started matching all my items to my receipt in case something was just coded wrong. Nothing. Finally I took my stuff over to the customer service desk. The CS clerk went though my stuff too, he couldn't find anything either. Another CS clerk overheard what was going on and said a similar incident had happened a couple of days before with something mysteriously popping up on a receipt that was not there. In the end, customer service refunded the price of the mustard. A very weird incident, I'm glad I checked my receipt.
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