Garage Sale in the Rain

Today was our community Yard Sale. It rained. Actually, it poured at times. And then we had nice breaks when the sun would come out. I had hoped to make enough from the yard/garage sale to buy a freezer to put in the garage. But, sadly not. We made $96. So, we will tuck our $96 dollars away and hopefully come up with some other creative ways for the rest of the $$ needed for a freezer.
But, here is what I've learned about garage sale customers:
1.) Customers LOVE kid DVD's. I wished I had a hundred more to sell (I would have met my goal for the freezer).
2.) Customers really like cookbooks. I sold about 10.
3.) Customers don't like stuffed animals. None sold
4.) Customers don't like fake flowers. They did not sell.
5.) Customers will ask you how much something is, even if there is a bright, florescent pink price sticker on the item.
6.) Customers will pay you in pennies.
7.) Hard core yard-salers will show up at 6 am in the pouring rain to look at your stuff.
Labels: Garage Sale
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