Grocery Weekly Wrap Up - Not a good week for the budget

I had hoped to level out my splurge last week with a small grocery trip this week, but that did not happen. We are going through a serious illness right now at our house (don't worry, we will fully recover soon) and that has given me little time to do a lot of comparison shopping and couponing. And it's called for some extra items in our grocery cart. So, I made one rushed trip to 2 stores. Here are the highlights:
Publix Highlights:
6 bags of Kraft Shredded Cheese 1.66 - 1.00 IP Coupon = .66 ea
4 Uncle Ben's Rice 3/$4 - 1/2 IP coupon = .87 ea
4 Red Baron Pizzas B1G1 5.79 - $1.00 Q = 1.89 each
* I hesitated to list this deal because it's not completely on the up and up. I discovered after I had purchased them and reading another blog, that the coupon I used was actually for a differently type of Red Baron Pizza. My mistake, I didn't look at the coupon or the box close enough (and neither did the cashier) I do not advocate fraudulent couponing!
TOTAL OOP w/ Tax: 28.22
Kroger Highlights:
Colgate Kid's toothbrush - clearance $1.81 (I bet if I had searched there was q for this somewhere, but we need a new toothbrush now and I didn't want to wait)
Zucchini & Yellow Squash .88/lb
Green beans .99/lb
Cucumbers 2/.88
Bell Peppers 2/1.00
Tomatoes .99/lb
I did not use a single coupon!
TOTAL OOP w/ Tax: 28.35
TOTAL FOR WEEK: $56.57 Here's hoping next week is a really good coupon week!
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