$5.00 Menu Plan for June 21 - 27

I aim for $5.00 a meal using food and ingredients that I purchase on sale and with coupons. When calculating my costs I do not figure in the price of smaller ingredients such as spices. I usually round up in my figures. I don't always hit the $5.00 mark, but it's more of a guideline anyway.
Sunday: Veggie burgers and frenchfries $2.00
Monday: Tomato Basil Salad w/ fresh cut up veggies $3.00
Tuesday: Black bean tacos (recycled from last week b/c we ended up having something else) $2.50
Wednesday: Mac n cheese from box, mixed veggies, garlic bread $2.00
Thursday: Veggie Pizza $2.00
Friday: Broccoli Spaghetti Bake $3.00
Saturday: Tamale Lentil Casserole $5.00
Labels: Meal planning, menu
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