Why Do I Give?
Recently, when talking about the Nashville Floods and the great need in and around Nashville, I was asked "Tara, how can you give {to charities & individuals} when you are in such hard financial times?"

There, but for the Grace of God, go I.
Part of Works for Me Wednesday at We are That Family.
My simple answer is "How can I not?" My home and family were spared while families less than a mile from us lost everything: home, belongings, pets, everything. It could have easily been us and I'm not taking that point for granted.
Yes, we are in a tight financial situation right now. We are living on less than half the income we used to. But, we still have a roof over our head and food on the table. We are managing to survive during this tough time. Part of this survival is from my savvy coupon shopping and stockpiling. This stockpile has come in handy over the past week when it came time to help out my neighbors who lost everything.
In years past, when major tragedies happened (aka: Sept 11, Hurricane Katrina, etc) we were in a financial position to give hundreds of dollars to charities to help the victims. This time, when it happened in our own backyard ironically, we can not donate that kind of money. I thought I could probably scrounge up $10 or so and donate to the Red Cross or the Humane Association (where my heart is). But then I realized, I could give them $10 cash or I could take that same $10 and with my shopping savvy, buy and donate $50 or more of needed supplies. And between my $10 and the stockpile of food, cleaning supplies, and toiletries, that I already have: I was able to help a personal friend, several other families that I didn't know, and many dogs and cats at the animal shelters.
I also can give my time. There are lots of organizations needing volunteers. I already volunteer at the Nashville Humane Association and will continue working in the pet food pantry giving out food to families with pets who are in need. I also have been helping a personal friend with her loss.
I really believe that anything we give will come back to us 10 fold. I've already seen this happen in my life this week with a kind and very generous Mother's Day Gift.
But the most important reason I choose to give? Below are the images I passed on my way to my nice, comfortable, dry, beautiful home today:
Part of Works for Me Wednesday at We are That Family.
Labels: Giving Opportunities, Nashville Flood
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