I won a DiGiorno Pizza Party!
A couple of months ago, I signed up with House Party to host a DiGiorno Pizza Party. I was one of the lucky winners! This party was to introduce their new pizza and breadsticks line. I have to say, it was really good pizza.

In the "party box". I received coupons for free pizzas, an apron, paper coasters and party beads and coupons for all my guests. I also received a bottletop basketball game that the kids enjoyed playing with.

It was a great time had by all. Even the littlest member of our family enjoyed it! Notice the snowman plate?? I thought I had plain paper plates, but realized shortly before the party that they were all Christmas themed plates! Oh well! You use what you have!
If you are interested in applying to host a house party. Go here to see the current offerings. There are ally kinds of products that you can promote while having a house party.
In the "party box". I received coupons for free pizzas, an apron, paper coasters and party beads and coupons for all my guests. I also received a bottletop basketball game that the kids enjoyed playing with.
My sisters, a couple of neighbor kids and my sisters in-laws joined us. One sister brought drinks that she picked up from the Kroger Mega Sale for .79 each and the other sister brought brownies she made from a mix that she got from a sale for only .25 cents. The pizza and breadsticks were free with the coupons from DiGiorno. We figured that we had a nice little family party for less than $10!
It was a great time had by all. Even the littlest member of our family enjoyed it! Notice the snowman plate?? I thought I had plain paper plates, but realized shortly before the party that they were all Christmas themed plates! Oh well! You use what you have!
Labels: Around the house
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