Weekly Grocery Wrap-up and a little Rant!

3 cans of Rotel Tomatoes
Sale: BOGO .99
- Buy 2 get 1 free coupon from September All You. Coupon value was automatically doubled.
= .16 each
7 Betty Crocker Cookie Mixes
Sale: BOGO 2.67
- .40 coupon (doubled) SS 8/09 and printable
= .54 each
8 Duncan Hines Cake Mixes
Sale: BOGO 1.59
- $1/2 coupon from "Toss for Cash" booklet found at Publix
= .29 ea
1 5lb bag of Russet Potatoes
Sale: 1.99
- $1.00 Competitor's coupon from Kroger Home Mailer
= .99
4 Kraft Singles
Sale: BOGO 2.59
- $1/2 coupon from RP 8/09
= .80 each
1 8th Continent Soy Milk
Regular Price: $2.50
- $2.00 printable (no longer available)
= .50
Publix Tortilla Chips
Penny item
= .01
Total OOP w/ Tax: $24.08
Kroger highlights:
4 Naval Oranges
Sale: .99/lb
= $2.84
6 Kroger Frozen Vegetables
$1.00 ea
- (1) .35 coupon from Kroger Mailer
= 5 at $1.00 and 1 at .65
TOTAL OOP: 14.41
Now for my rant, Kroger frozen vegetables are a staple in my house. We eat alot of them. So, when they go on sale 10 for 10 (like this week), I try to stock up. I was so happy to see them on sale this week, because we were getting very low. I had actually planned to buy about 20 bags. When I got to the frozen food section and starting looking at the selection, I was so disappointed to see that Kroger has repackaged their frozen vegetables and made them smaller, they used to be 16 oz and now they are 12 oz. But, they are the SAME price! Ugh! I'm disgusted! I bought up the few 16 oz sizes left that I could find and a couple of the 12 oz (because we are running out). I also emailed Kroger Customer Service to complain. Feel free to do the same if you'd like, the more complaints they hear, the more likely they are to do something about it. I'll let you know what I hear from them.
My family also loves Krogers frozen veggies. I have not bought any I awhile. I am also sad to see that they have made their packages smaller for the same price.
They did the same thing with their yogurt. Switched it from 8 oz to 6 oz, but for the same price. I called and complained, the customer service woman said that a lot of people have called, but they didn't change the size back.
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